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One of the truths about the Marine Corps is the life-long loyalty to our brethren. This is almost unique amongst the armed forces, with the exception of some elite units. There's something about getting together with a group of Marines that can't be duplicated. We have the same heritage, the same history, the same culture that isn't found elsewhere, and others, frankly, don't understand. We gather together because we're committed to the Marine Corps brotherhood, and are committed to taking care of our own.


There are two types of members in the Marine Corps League: 

Regular Member: A Regular Member is an active-duty Marine, retired Marine, or No-LOAD Marine with an Honorable Discharge, having served at least 90 days active duty. An FMF Corpsman or FMF Chaplain may also be a Regular Member, subject to the same conditions and requirements. Regular members are eligible to hold elected office and vote on detachment business. 

Associate Member: An Associate Member is someone from another branch of the armed forces. They too must either be active-duty, retired or separated under honorable conditions, having served at least 90 days active duty. As an Associate Member, they may not hold certain elected positions and may not vote on certain detachment business. 

All applications for membership must be accompanied by a copy of your DD214. 

Complete the membership application and mail it to our detachment, along with a check in the amount of $35.00 for first year dues ($30.00 for annual renewal thereafter). Better still, bring the application and a copy of your DD214 to the next meeting. We will treat to a beverage of your choice. 

We also require members to complete a Membership Information Form. This provides background and contact information, as-well-as interests and skills the Marine may wish to use in support of our mission. 

Don't have a copy of your DD214?  Probably the quickest way to obtain this is to request is directly from the National Archives using this e-VetRecs link.  


The benefits of membership, other than associating with Marines, include a subscription to SemperFi Magazine, published by the Marine Corps League, and membership in a national organization dedicated to proactively working for Marine Corps and veterans issues on your behalf. Beyond this, the indescribable feeling you get from knowing you helped a Marine, a Marine Family or a veteran as a result of our community outreach. 

What are you waiting for, Marine? WWCD? (What Would Chesty Do?)

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